Living near zombies ... unfortunately a real scenario … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Many people from all around the world are studying today personal growth.

The beginning is hard.

Later on … we observe that we acted in life as zombies, but even if today we act in a totally different way … we still live in a world of zombies.

So … the environment itself is still dominated by forces without real life … and we stay in there … without having the hope that the world around will start to be different.

We changed … but people around us … remained the same.

It could also happen … and believe me … i saw it many, many times … as one of the partners to have a huge spiritual growth and the spouse to remain still … a zombie, which i should define as a person that act in a way that looks like being alive, but deep inside has a dead soul.

They try to survive as a couple … but anyone could understand that the relationship is going to a pathless path.

Everything is clear, but one of the partners still hopes that a big change will appear quite soon … and the other one is not having any clue about what is really going on.

The distance between them become bigger and bigger … till

you could define it as … huge.

Is like you see the night and the day in the same painting … but you can’t understand why the painter … painted such a painting.

Sounds as a … nonsense … but maybe is not.

Probably the Universe helped one of them to grow … and now that person need to help the other one to grow also.

Exploring the concept of … growth … and actually grow together might sound as a perfect plan … but both of them should realize the importance of that for them.

Living near zombies … becomes a lesson … so that we always remember … what we should never become again … zombies.

Just think about it!

Download the book ”Exploring ourselves … we will understand what life is about” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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